Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Of Atkins bars and active ingredients: LESSON LEARNED!

I was so up for a repeat performance today, but on the way back from dropping off some stuff for a coworker, I stopped into the health food store and saw a box of 130 calorie carmel chocolate peanut butter bars... I buy the box and grind on one (yum) I figure Hey, the bag of peanuts I usually have for lunch has 330 calories, I can gnosh a couple more. (YUM)

About an hour later *gurgle* I'm sitting at my desk at work *gurgle* and I'm feeling some digestive processes running amok *GURGLE* Well lets take care of this, time for some quality blackberry surfing time anyway.

Back at the desk, I'm figuring out an issue with VPNs and my laptop *gurgle* I try to ignore the noise, but in the back of my mind I'm thinking "GOOD GRAVY! WHAT HAVE I DONE?!?!" *gurgle* Well, lets go see if I can get very far with brickbreaker on the old blackberry. fast forward an hour - I'm leaving a bit early to take my wife to a doctors appointment and my backup arrives *gurgle* Better visit the little technician's room before I hit the road! OH NOES!!!

I get to my truck and look at the box, it says "People who are sensitive to the sugar alcohol should limit ingestion to one serving per 24 hour period to avoid the potential laxative effects" DOH!!!!

I get home *gurgle* Luckily my daughter is able to take my wife to the the appointment. I make a bee line to the bathroom - at least here I have my netbook for full page surfing! It's time to leave for choir practice, phew! I'm feeling much better now.


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